

It's so funny how I can just take the crap out of Dad as much as I want and he actually understands that i'm only joking around with him, can't do that with many people these days hahaha.
Soo funny, we'll tell each other to shut up, or just take the piss out of each other for the smallest things and just laugh about it, I love it.
Like, I was walking into the bathroom and Dad was like 'Hey Simone!' and I'm like 'What do you want now?' And he was like *fulls the finger* 'That's about all hey'
HAHA he is SO lame it makes it even more funny :p

And the amount of people that come into work and can't read the signs, then blame me for putting in the wrong order when they just simply can not read hahah.
Tonight I'm going to watch Lion King one and Two, and Finding Nemo.
I havent seen Lion king and sherren freaked out and gave me the DVDs and told me to watch them hahaha, I love her!
Amber is having a baby, and on my lunch break I was looking at baby clothes and omg, they are super adorable, and the little socks/slipped/shoes ^_^
I'm going home now, to camp out in my room with the laptop and movies and my fat-free hot chocolate, if only I had marshmellows and someone to share my time with haha :'(
My makeup should be here later this weeeek, oh my god :D
I was hanging out with Sherrens baby boy today, he is about a bit older than 2 months, and he is super adorable. And played Simon Says in the pool with Chels haha, she is seven and so funny